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I started A Place For You with the goal of encouraging others. Over the years, it’s covered topics from homeschool and Jesus to book reviews, recipes, and tough topics like abortion. I am beloved by King Jesus. I have been graciously gifted with a husband and 5 children (one who lives with the Lord).I am not one for small talk or people pleasing. I long to share deep, reflective conversations that honor God and spur you on in faith. I hope you get a glimpse of that here. 

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I took the choice.

No matter the reason, the bottom line is I took a life. I made the choice. I took it. The circumstances were terrible and scary. The...

It’s been two years.

There are many things that could be said of the past two years, but right now this is what is on my heart. It’s been two years since...

Homeschool Truths

I never expected to homeschool, but now 3 years in, I can’t believe I ever imagined doing anything else. I’ll go ahead and make the...

I am JUST a mom

There’s no “just” about it. I’m just the one who: loves disciples comforts corrects disiciplines teaches boundaries demonstrates...

But where does it come from?

As I come up on 30 days of fasting from social media, I keep asking myself this question, “But where does it come from?” My desire to...

Observations from my Social Media Fast

I planned on writing a weekly update while on my social media fast, but with Christmas, my husband starting a second job, having 3...

His Promise is His Presence

His promise is His Presence. Recently, an unbeliever asked me what the promise of heaven was for a believer in Christ. My response was...

Postpartum Body Image Thoughts

Postpartum body image thoughts: I don’t think I ever realized how much worth I put in my body/looks. For years, my fitness ability was my...


I’m learning that homeschool isn’t so much about school (which obviously is important), but that it’s about cultivating HOME. Homeschool...

Money is an idol

Unpopular truth about (not having) money… It can be an idol. As someone who has a lot of experience with job loss and debt, I know the...

4 month PP update

Figured it was time for a little PPD update… I weaned off of Zoloft after one month. While on it I started having random claustrophobic...

Homemade Playdough

Does anyone else’s children let alllllll their play dough dry out? Just me?! 🤪 Well, we needed some budget-friendly AND non-toxic play...

Summer Splash (aka School)

Summer Splash has begun!!! (Shhh… it’s actually school 😘) My big girls NEED me to be intentional. From outdoor free play to purposeful...

She’s a mother, too.

I saw a lot of different types of Mother’s Day posts this weekend, but here’s the one I need to share. I’ll never forget when a Christian...

Raising Sinners

I’ve been a mom for over 5 years, but the past year has been the hardest. From sibling fights, whining, hitting, to lying, we have had...


I keep hearing moms say they are scared to raise babies in this world. I get it. This world, as a Christian, is frightening. It seems...

When homeschool looks different than you expected...

This is only our 2nd year in the homeschool realm and while it’s been PK4 + Kindergarten for my oldest, I have found that the one...

There’s a fire in me for the TRUTH

Christians, this one is for you. Inside, I feel a FIRE. Righteous anger, godly grief, mourning for lives, for Christians who are falling...

When social media isn’t fun anymore

Most of you know that the last 7 years, I have used social media to build a direct sales business. What this means is that social media...

Little Lady #3 + Tip for YOU

22 weeks today and measuring around 1 lb. I feel kicks all the time and officially everyone in the family has felt at least one or two....

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