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  • Writer's pictureNatalie Eskew

When social media isn’t fun anymore

Most of you know that the last 7 years, I have used social media to build a direct sales business. What this means is that social media is a mostly intentional practice for me. I purposefully share content that adds value and I work hard to actually comment and engage with my friends in the space. It can be very fulfilling and very social, when done right. However, right now with censorship, algorithms, opinions and cancel culture at an all time high, it’s just not that fun anymore. But lack of fun doesn't mean that we quit. I have felt called to be a light and point others to Jesus on social media for years and truthfully now more than ever it is needed. So if you feel the same way, here are a few ideas for you:

  1. Create. Don't consume. We are made in the image of our Creator and that means that each of us was blessed with a skill-set, a sphere of influence, and as a believer the Holy Spirit to help us discern truth and wisdom and how to use it. So, use it. Make social media a space where you create and uplift others. Use your story, instead of simply consuming others. Put your content out first and then skip the scroll and substitute intentional messages to individuals.

  2. Follow the 3 E's. Encourage. Educate. Engage. John C. Maxwell says "if they are alive, they need encouragement." I believe this to be true. Take the struggle you feel and instead of wallowing in it, turn it around and serve others. Share encouraging quotes, stories, devotions, Scripture. Engage with questions and conversation about books, parenting, and recommendations. Educate with helpful tips and recipes. Share takeaways from personal development books you've applied to your life. (You can learn more about the 3 E's in my Christ-Centered Content Creation course, Your Story HIS Glory)

  3. Batch your content. Instead of posting throughout the day, save your pics and posts to share 1-3 times each day. Sit down and go through your content checklist, intentionally message and respond to people and then PUT YOUR PHONE AWAY!

God calls us to love him with ALL of our mind, heart, soul, and strength. Then, He calls us to love others preferentially.... yes, more than we love ourselves. (More on this coming soon.) So, spend time with God first. Then, love the people in front of you best. Unplug, be present, but still serve where you are called... even when it is hard and a little scary for us conservatives. Be faithful. Stay on mission.

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