I’m learning that homeschool isn’t so much about school (which obviously is important), but that it’s about cultivating HOME.
Homeschool infuses itself into every aspect of our lives. Its being intentional to take our time, ask questions, and enjoy each other.
It’s connecting baking to the measurements we are learning in math.
It’s playing outside and creating our own games or acting out stories.
It’s making extra time to sit on the couch and read with lots of snuggles. Which a bonus as the kids get older and don’t have as much time to simply snuggle with mama. 😍
Our home is where our kids learn school, yes. But it’s more than that. It’s where they learn compassion, patience, how to say they are sorry, forgiveness. They learn how mama needs Jesus and how they do too. Obedience is a serious struggle that everyone of all ages has… #amiright? It’s where God teaches me (and them) gentleness, kindness, and joy.
Home is where God grows tiny hearts and hands and while school topics start off many thoughtful conversations on what we are learning, it just as often ends up teaching us more about life.
Homeschooling to me is the commitment to shepherd the totality of my children’s hearts and minds. To point them to God at every chance. And, yes, to cease my striving heart.